Vollständiges Testbericht sup-mag.de Inflatable Raceboard 15.5.2020
Fazit Testbericht
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Okay we are now copy pasting the title this year. Aleksander won again. Enjoy the timelaps from start to finish of Aleksander his race. Interesting to see he is ahead of a Starboard Sprint in the sprint… He actually finished that fast again that not only finished 1st on inflatable but also 2nd in the hardboard class, on his FIT OCEAN Force 14ft inflatable.
Exiting race for us as Aleksander does his first race on the new 2020 FIT OCEAN Force 14’x26” and wins the inflatable class. The start was in sync with teh hardboard class and stricktly measuring time Aleksander was actually that fast that he also became 3rd in the hardboard class on his new inflatable.
Our new raceboard is available.
Stay tuned for more info via social media.
Hey, we had such a great day taking the FIT OCEAN crew and family to a SUP Race in beautiful Bern at the heart of Switzerland. Wether it was trying a climbing wall build in a river, dreaming away at the helm of an abandoned boat in the harbour or chatting about SUP Board rocker design with the racers. Very well organised event by faltboot – a big thank you.
Ofcourse it’s a race and FIT OCEAN also had business to do. Jan and Marcel on 12’6 FIT OCEAN Ultra took 4th and 6th place in a field of racers on 14ft boards… extremely well done !
Amazing they can keep up with a 12’6 board between 14 feet boards.
Jan battling it out with a hardboard
Marcel overtaking a yellow board
Going deep :)