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Feel me on my forest gump trip..
That day .. for no particular reason..i decided to go for a little run..
So i had a very forest gump feeling and decided to go for a little paddle…
After days in the factory it was time to to recover from all the ZEBEC glue damp.
I snatched a FIT OCEAN Touring iSUP from the batch that as waiting ship to Rotterdam and walked to the nearest river connecting to the Pearl River. This river runs all the way down to Hongkong.
I actually run into my friend Phibi on my way down who informed not to be sure things where legal, so it was a quick pump with bystanders looking a the strangest inflatble object ever and hop hop on board.
Paddled 3 hours straight then had enough. Rain, a stinky river, fatique, my gopro battery almost dead, time to exit somewhere with people/ light, possibly a taxi.
It turned out to be at the foot of a snake restaurant here i was kindly invited to eat. Paired with some chinese beer it as quite a nice bite actually.
Exploring on an iSUP is fun, much more then just paddling, can´t wait for my next adventure.
Equipment used during trip: FIT OCEAN Cruise 12 x 34 x 6