Anja is a well know fitness model in Switzerland. Fitness is her passion.
She started her modelling career as a young girl of 14 years old and appeared in different magazines like MAXIM, FHM and GQ.
At the age of 18, the ”fitness life style” was something that Anja started to love more and more.
Along with the new lifestyle, came a great fit body, that did not necessarily fit in with the classical modelling look. This did not stop Anja. As a smart young woman she focused more on the fitness part of modelling. This was with great success. She appeared in different fitness magazines all over the world.
Anja started out her fitness regime with high intensity workouts. To be more toned, she started to lift more weights.
When she is not in a photo-shoot, or doing other great projects, she can be found in the gym. Lifting weights for herself or helping other women and men to be more fit.

Anja wants to get the max out of her body and loves to inspire others to do the same.

What is the secret to get such a great body?
There is no secret. It’s not easy, because if it would be, everyone would do it. It takes a lot of discipline & willpower. The secret – if you want to call it one – is to believe in yourself, never give up & “Keep Going”.
Exercises that Anja does:
- Weight training
- High Intensity Training
- Mixing up the training. Otherwise the body gets accustomed to the same exercises. Finding the right mix is important.
- A good night sleep.
- Massages and stretching.
How do you combine your business life with training?
Sometimes I ask myself the same question – its not easy to give 100% everywhere, but I do! So many people complain. They say they can’t make the time besides their work to go to the gym or cook some clean food. I might be even busier then them and I can make it – always.
It`s not about having time, it`s about making time.

Do you have any special goals for 2015?
Working out is always part of my life, that’s for sure. But this year I really focus on my business. I launched my own clothing line, my own Online-Fitness-Program & hopefully soon my own Supplement-Line for Women. My goal for 2015 is to get a couple “Self-Runners” started, that I can travel the world again in 2016!
What will you generally eat on one day?
It depends weather I have a shooting for an event coming up, or if I’m “off season” & am putting on more muscle. Right now I’m leaning out, so I eat a bit less then I would eat during the winter. A typical day starts with a cup of Oatmeal & Egg whites. For lunch I have mostly chicken breast & sweet potato with some vegetables. As a snack I have some good fats, as almonds or ½ avocados with a protein shake. Dinner, I mostly go for fatty fish as Salmon or Tuna and have a side of asparagus with that. To lean out I recommend to drop the total calorie intake, stay high on protein, moderate on carbs & keep the unsaturated fats high enough, they are important for women!

Anja likes to use her six pack bag, it is very practical.

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You can follow Anja on Facebook; here she shares with us what she is doing at the moment.
We hope to cooperate more with Anja in the future as it has been fun to work with such a professional that is passionate about her own as well as other peoples fitness lifestyles.