For some of us breakfast is not always the most relaxing moment of the day. Especially when you have kids that need to go to school. Before we run out of the door, we eat mostly Bircher Muesli. Normally we eat our Bircher Muesli with fruit as raspberries, banana and blueberries.
This time we looked at all the great fruit that we had and changed our muesli routine by using totally other fruit.
Serves 2
- ½ cup coconut milk
- ½ cap coconut water
- 1 cup rolled oats
- 1 papaya
- 2 passion fruits
- 1 ripe banana
The night before, put the oats, into a bowl or container, pour over the coconut water and coconut milk. Mix well, then cover and pop into the fridge overnight.
In the morning, chop the banana, into little chunks.
Slice the papaya open, take out the seeds and chop (don`t use the skin).
Mix well.
Cut the passion fruit in half and drizzle over you muesli.
A great meal to eat at home, or to take with you in a little container.
Tip: Make more, so you only need to take in the morning what you need.
You can make as well different muesli and safe in the refrigerator. This way your muesli tastes different every day.