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    Another big thank you to our Swiss Team. After CAD drawings, factory visits and lots of testing -> we get the V2 of our Session Wing. Pentex struts that stand 15 psi and a deep belly in the canopy gives that big grunt low end power to get you up and go foiling, where others are flapping an old wing, not getting out of the water.Approved by radiculo .Taking pre-orders by DM for the 5.0 m2 now. Available Aug. 24.fitOcean 
wingfoiling is yoga
    Recap paddling 1100 km from Switzerland to Holland in 12 days, through the rivers and canals that connect them.Fun fact, our containers with sups go through it in the oppsite direction.
 faik_salih +1 we take our hats off for the achievement!
Faik was on the fitOcean Force 14ft carbon hard nose.
jonny_n_the_hat  and supboardermag yes these boards work !!
sup standuppaddle
    Thundering sound of water...
On fitocean sup from switzerland🇨🇭 to holland over rivers and canals
    Show us your skills this summer! 🌴🏄‍♂️🤙
And fitOceanThis move is brought you by teamrider faik_salih who plans sup from switzerland🇨🇭 to netherlands🇳🇱